About Bio-Tec Environmental

Bio-Tec Environmental, LLC is a leader in biodegradable* plastics technology.

Leaders in biodegradable* plastics technology

Bio-Tec Environmental, LLC is a leader in biodegradable* plastics technology. Bio-Tec Environmental was established in 2003 by John Lake, the founder, CEO and innovator behind EcoPure® technology. We believe in environmental stewardship and sustainability, putting systems in place that will enhance the efficient use of natural resources, protect the environment and reduce waste in the ocean and on land.

logo for Bio Tec Environmental

Bio-Tec Environmental is built on the principles of:

bio-tec environmental logomark
picture of a plastic bag

EcoPure® Plastic Additive

Bio-Tec Environmental is the company behind EcoPure®, an organic additive that enhances the biodegradation* of traditional plastic products when placed in a biologically active landfill environment. The innovative additive only reacts when the plastic material comes into contact with microorganisms found in landfill environments and not during the useful life of the treated plastic product.

picture of a sea horse with plastic pollution
picture of a bird stuck in a plastic ring
picture of a turtle stuck in plastic